Frequently Requested Services
- Engine Chip Tuning
- Exclusion of Service Modes
- Software Updates
- Tuning for speed shifts
- Servicing
- Removal of DPF and EGR
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
Chip tuning to improve machine performance
Exclusion of service modes - so that your technician can work without interruption!
Turning off the flashing lamps as per the table
Improves fuel consumption by up to 30%
Elimination of unwanted emissions and service modes
How to Visit Us?
Fearful relationships, burnout, and professional work. Everything is about the client. A previous microbus drove them and I am satisfied. Otherwise, I will visit them!
After comprehensive automation of my beloved Porsche, the mechanic changed the software and made the remap. The result – the car goes faster on the road. The price is super affordable and it’s structured 🙂 Correct and fast servicing, I recommend.
Cell 15 – Mitko and his team:
Exceptional professionals!
The truck had a diagnostic issue. They removed even the broken parts, and arranged everything for their accounting and not just that.
They approached personally to every detail, to every problem. We maintained a close connection throughout the entire time. They secured my truck until they fixed it.
Exceptionally I am grateful for the professionalism, and for the relationship, and for the personal approach to every detail of their work. European level, approach, and relationship.
Highly recommend.
Professional Services
Някои от услугите, които предлагаме
- Изключване на сервизни режими за селскостопански машини и камиони
- Софтуерен тунинг на трактори
- Подобрение работата на Комбайни
- Цялостни решения за товарен автопарк
- Понижаване разхода на гориво на камиони
- Тунинг на дизелови и бензинови автомобили
- Тунинг на автоматични скоростни кутии
- Увеличаване на продуктивността на агро-машини
- Диагностика на автомобили
- Изключване на DPF за автомобили и камиони
- Изключване на EGR за автомобили и камиони
- Спиране на светещи лампи по таблото
- Отключване на скрити екстри
Улеснен процес
Ние ще Ви дадем оферта веднага. Без скрити такси, без неясноти.
Гарантирана работа
Работим само със софтуерни продукти, които са проверени и безопасни за поставяне на превозни средства
Разумни цени
Научили сме се, че балансът е важен. Доброто качество на разумна цена е част от нашата философия.
Доволни Клиенти
Да научим машината Ви да работи без да влиза в сервизен режим или пък просто да се усмихвате, докато натискате педала на газта.. за нас е важно клиентите ни да са щастливи!
Използваме най-новите технологии в областта на диагностиката и тунинга. Отдадени сме на това да спестяваме пари за скъпи ремонти на клиентите си, вече 7 години.
- Безплатна консултация
- Приятелско отношение
- Правим само неща, за които сме сигурни, че работят
- Екип от професионалисти
- Съдействие и с механични ремонти